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Eclipse Team Synchronizing persepctive

In the help file for the Subversive plugin there is a describtion for each icon.

new File, not under version control
file changed since last checkout
conflicted file. someone changed it in the repository, before you did
Tree conflict. The folder in repository was deleted. Solution:

More Icons and their meaning may be dound here:

  • Commit - send from local version to remote repository
  • Update - download from remote repository to local

Clear all .svn subfolders

Bath to clear svn subs

Execute this from CMD to del .svn subfolders

FOR /F "tokens=*" %G IN ('DIR /B /AD /S *.svn*') DO RMDIR /S /Q "%G"
eclipse/svn.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/01 07:15 by skipidar