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Eclipse IDE

Run configuration

Menu > Run > Run Configurations
Details are here.

Concept Tab Explanation
Workspace Data Main Tab
Runtime preferences for the Eclipse Application (Details):
-Dialog sizes
-Dialog positions
Launch configurations Configuration Tab
Things about imports (Details):
-Everything about imported Bundles in the config.ini
-Path to SplashScreen
-Path to the target
-Text-Cache by OSGI
<fc #C0C0C0>(Can be exported into a *.launch file inside of the Comon-Tab.
Exported configurations can't be overridden by Eclipse (e.g. by clicking “Launch as Eclipse plugin” ))</fc>
Java and Project execution-arguments Arguments Tab
A part of Configurations. Can be exported together with configurations.

Path Variables

The Path Variables are used to point to important Eclipse Folders.

E.g. to point to a imported Eclipse project - use the syntax:

Var Path
${project_loc:de.ivu.fare.rcp.product}/ c:\eclipse\workspace\de.ivu.fare.rcp.product\
${workspace_loc} c:\eclipse\workspace
${project_loc} c:\projects\MyProject2
${project_loc:/MyProject1/MyFile.txt} c:\eclipse\workspace\MyProject
${container_loc} c:\projects\MyProject2\MyFolder
${resource_loc} c:\projects\MyProject2\MyFile.txt
${project_path} /MyProject2
${container_path} /MyProject2/MyFolder
${resource_path} /MyProject2/MyFolder/MyFile.txt
${project_name} MyProject2
${container_name} MyFolder
${resource_name} MyFile.txt
${build_type} none

After the “:” there is the name of the project as a parameter, as documented here

<fc #FF0000>ACHTUNG: when using this Variables for JavaVirtualMachine Parameter - no empty spaces are allowed!</fc>

How to inspect the eclipse path-variables:

  • Use Run > External Tools > External Tools Configurations
  • Add C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe as external Tool and the Path-Variable e.g. ${project_loc} as working directory.
  • Run and see in console which path was used

Exclude packages from organize imports

To exclude packages from automatic import functinality add it here:


ShortCut Describtion
STRG + Alt + H (cursor in Method or Class) Shows the Call hierarchy. Bottom Up.
Shows endless path from current class / method to the callers, to the callers of callers…
STRG + Shift + G (cursor in Method or Class) Shows where the current class/method was used. Restricted to the forst caller level and to workspace.

Subversive uninstall

The only way to delete this fucking peace of shit is by deleting jars:

Static builder

The static builder are Eclipse project specific. The static Builders are responsible for static code analysis, as described here

  • Maven
  • Warnings
  • API deprecation
  • Checkstyle…

Define own templates

You can use variables to position the cursor, to retrieve the package or class! Then a static Logger can be retrieved by one line, incl. package names and imports! A good usage example is:

private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOG = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(${enclosing_type}.class);

Own Templates can be defined by using Editor Templates:

After that you will be able to do actions, which you do frequently, by typing ALT + <SPACE> and choosing it from the list.

Eclipse Metafiles


Describes the project Data, like Name etc.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Eclipse Maven Tycho Plugin

This Plugin allows automatic reading of maven configuration files (pom.xml),
extracting dependencies from these files,
importing them as Eclipse dependencies!

Resolution of Dependencies in Workspace

Maven can look for open Projects in Workspace and resolve Project resolutions by using open Porjects from workspace.

 RightClick on Project > Maven > Enable Workspace Resolution 
Offline build

If you wanna run a job,
so that the build only depends on artefacts in LOCAL REPOSITORY
(Maven should not download stuff from remote repository, maybe because you are developing something locally and did not check in changes yet. So you build a project part and put it into you local repo. And another project part depends on it, so you only rebuild this part. So Maven should use artifacts from local repository, which were changed earlier but not checked in! )

Todo that - check the offline checkbox in the matching runtime configurations!

Static code analyzer


Fast applying correcting the checkstyle rules is able by doing following on the Error.

RightClick on the Error > Quick Fix

DOES NOT WORK IN KEPLER: Mass Checkstyle QuickFixes:

RightClick on the Java file > Apply Checkstyle Fixes 

Debugging Source lookup

The Debugging Source lookup should always be a Project, if possible. (Not a Jar, not a Folder)
This enalbes setting breakpoints, inspecting variables etc.

To change the existing Debugging Source change to the Debugeer perspective, rightclick on the current class in debugger:

GC overhead limit exceeded

Let Eclipse use more memory, so that it does not regulary get “memory exceed” errors..

  1. Open eclipse.ini
  2. Replace numers 256 by 1024 or even 2048

Pointing to a specific JDK



Ein Plugin welches viele Maven Befehle in Eclipse einbaut.

Um aktualisierte Maven-Artefakte wieder via Maven Repository zu beziehen macht man:

maven > maven Update project

Alternativ kann man dasselbe auch via Console machen. Generiert .project und .pref Dateien.

mvn eclipse:eclipse

IDE Plugins

out-of-sync with filessystem problems

To make Eclipse sync automatically with files system - let it poll the folders automatically

Windows > Preferences > General > Refresh using native hooks or polling

eclipse/eclipse_ide.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/01 07:15 by skipidar