Table of Contents
Business Models
IAAS (Infrastructure As A Service) :
- The base layer
- Deals with Virtual Machines, Storage (Hard Disks), Servers, Network, Load Balancers etc
- e.g. Amazon AWS Cloud
PAAS (Platform As A Service) :
- A layer on top of IAAS
- Runtimes (like java runtimes), Databases (like mySql, Oracle), Web Servers (tomcat etc)
- E.g. Azure, Google App Engine
SAAS (Software As A Service) :
- A layer on top on PAAS
- Applications like email (Gmail, Yahoo mail etc), Social Networking sites (Facebook etc)
- e.g. Photoshop Online, Office 365
CAAS (Container As A Service) :
- Provides (Docker) Container Hosting, Monitoring
- e.g. DockerDataCenter, Amazon EC2 Container Service
devops/cloud.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/01 07:15 by skipidar