Dies ist eine Konvention (kein Standart) zur Anfrage der Daten via HTTP. Es werden Methoden übergeben:
Safe | x | ||||
Idempotent | x | x | x |
Idempotence means that executing the funciton more than once has the same effect as if I would execute it more than once.
A good describtion is here:
GET | Just retrieves the resource, without changing it. |
DELETE | Removes a concrete resource. When repeated - does the same. So resources does not exist after removal. |
POST | Creates a concrete resource, which will be a CHILD of the given URL. POST http://api.ex.com/tales/7dwarfs/ {name=oink..} |
PUT | Creates a concrete resource, which will be reachable under the GIVEN CONCRETE URL. PUT http://api.ex.com/tales/7dwarfs/oink {name=oink..} |
PATCH | Changes the resource. The change may define the required state, which makes it NON idempotent. From Name=John to Name=Gargantua. After repeated applying the name will be Gargantua and patch will fail, since it should change “from Name=John” |
POST /appointmentService HTTP/1.1 [various other headers] <openSlotRequest date = "2010-01-04" doctor = "mjones"/>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK [various headers] <openSlotList> <slot start = "1400" end = "1450"> <doctor id = "mjones"/> </slot> <slot start = "1600" end = "1650"> <doctor id = "mjones"/> </slot> </openSlotList>
Compound Documents | To reduce the number of HTTP requests, servers MAY allow responses that include related resources along with the requested primary resources. Such responses are called “compound documents”. https://jsonapi.org/format/#document-compound-documents |
Sparse Fieldsets | A client MAY request that an endpoint return only specific fields in the response on a per-type basis by including a fields[TYPE] parameter. GET /articles?include=author&fields[articles]=title,body&fields[people]=name` |
POST /doctors/mjones [various other headers] <openSlotRequest date = "2010-01-04"/>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK [various headers] <openSlotList> <slot id = "1234" doctor = "mjones" start = "1400" end = "1450"/> <slot id = "5678" doctor = "mjones" start = "1600" end = "1650"/> </openSlotList>
POST /slots/1234 <appointmentRequest> <patient id = "jsmith"/> </appointmentRequest>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK <appointment> <slot id = "1234" doctor = "mjones" start = "1400" end = "1450"/> <patient id = "jsmith"/> </appointment>
GET /slots/?status=open&doctor=mjones
HTTP/1.1 200 OK <openSlotList> <slot id = "1234" doctor = "mjones" start = "1400" end = "1450"/> <slot id = "5678" doctor = "mjones" start = "1600" end = "1650"/> </openSlotList>
POST /doctors/mjones/slots/ <slot> <slot patient="john doe" status="confirmed" doctor = "mjones" start = "0800" end = "0950"/> </slot>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK <openSlotList> <slot id = "1234" doctor = "mjones" start = "1400" end = "1450"/> <slot id = "5678" doctor = "mjones" start = "1600" end = "1650"/> </openSlotList>
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict <openSlotList> <slot id = "5678" doctor = "mjones" start = "900" end = "1000"/> </openSlotList>
POST /slots/1234 HTTP/1.1 <appointmentRequest> <patient id = "jsmith"/> </appointmentRequest>
HTTP/1.1 201 Created Location: http://royalhope.nhs.uk/slots/1234/appointment <appointment> <slot id = "1234" doctor = "mjones" start = "1400" end = "1450"/> <patient id = "jsmith"/> <link rel = "/linkrels/appointment/cancel" uri = "/slots/1234/appointment"/> <link rel = "/linkrels/appointment/addTest" uri = "/slots/1234/appointment/tests"/> <link rel = "self" uri = "/slots/1234/appointment"/> <link rel = "/linkrels/appointment/changeTime" uri = "/doctors/mjones/slots?date=20100104@status=open"/> <link rel = "/linkrels/appointment/updateContactInfo" uri = "/patients/jsmith/contactInfo"/> <link rel = "/linkrels/help" uri = "/help/appointment"/> </appointment>
REST is a concept of application architecture. Its multiple maturity states are defined above: Stack of POX, Ressource, Verbs etc.
HATEOAS is a concept of application architecture. It defines the way in which application clients interact with the server, by navigating hypermedia links they find inside resource models returned by the server.
To implement HATEOAS you need some standard way of representing resources, that will contain hypermedia information (links to related resources), for example, something like this:
HAL is one of such standards. It is a specific format of resource presentation, that can be used to implement HATEOAS.
The structure of the responce:
data attributes links self related relationships included meta
GET http://api.ex.com/tales/7dwarfs/1 { data{ id: 1, type: characters, attributes{ name: "oink", size: "1m", race: "dwarf" }, links{ self: "http://api.ex.com/v1/tales/7dwarfs/characters/1" } } } GET http://api.ex.com/tales/7dwarfs/8 { data{ id: 8, type: characters, attributes{ name: "snowwhite", size: "1.7m", race: "human" }, links{ self: "http://api.ex.com/v1/tales/7dwarfs/characters/8" } } } GET http://api.ex.com/tales/7dwarfs/ { data{ id: 7dwarfs, type: tales, attributes{ name: "7 dwarfs" }, links{ self: "http://api.ex.com/v1/tales/7dwarfs" }, relationships{ housekeeper: { data: { id: 8, type: "characters", }, links: { self: "http://api.ex.com/v1/tales/7dwarfs/relationships/housekeeper", related: "http://api.ex.com/v1/tales/7dwarfs/characters/8", } } } } } GET "http://api.ex.com/v1/tales/7dwarfs/characters?limit=5;offset=5", { data: { characters: [ { id:6, name: "gloink" } { id:7, name: ".." } { id:8, name: "snow white" } { id:9, name: ".." } { id:10, name: ".." } ], links: { first: "http://api.ex.com/v1/tales/7dwarfs/characters/1", prev: "http://api.ex.com/v1/tales/7dwarfs/characters?offset=0;limit=5", next: "http://api.ex.com/v1/tales/7dwarfs/characters?offset=10;limit=5", last: "http://api.ex.com/v1/tales/7dwarfs/characters/25" } } }
Cut URI - an approach to reduce the long URLs
GET http: //api.ex.com/tales/7dwarfs/1{ data{ id: 1, type: characters, attributes{ name: "oink", size: "1m", race: "dwarf" }, curies{ { name: "root", href: "http://api.ex.com/v1/" }, links{ self: "root:tales/7dwarfs/characters/1", prev: "root:tales/7dwarfs/characters/0", next: "root:tales/7dwarfs/characters/2", } } }