Add service
#/bin/bash -e #stop on error #set -e ######## ARGUMENTS # retrieve the ec2 instance ID: i-0d39e398760299ce0 instanceId=${1?Pass the ec2 instance ID.} # retrieve the private ip of the instance: instancePrivateIp=${2?Pass the private ipv4 of the instance.} # retrieve name of the building: zurich-klinik buildingName=${3?Pass the name of the building, to be used in the service url.} # retrieve the vpc id: vpc-00aeb2af06257ebf8 vpcid=${4?Pass the vpc id.} ########## SCRIPT START dnsnamespace="navvis.local" servicename="${buildingName}.renderer" aws servicediscovery create-private-dns-namespace --name $dnsnamespace --vpc $vpcid # retrieve the namespace id namespaceId=$(aws servicediscovery list-namespaces --query "\"Namespaces\"[?Name==\`$dnsnamespace\`].Id" --output text) echo "NameSpaceId: $namespaceId" # ignore errors, when service already exists aws servicediscovery create-service --name $servicename \ --dns-config "NamespaceId=$namespaceId,RoutingPolicy=WEIGHTED,DnsRecords=[{Type=A,TTL=10}]" 2> /dev/null # retrieve the service id serviceId=$(aws servicediscovery list-services --query "\"Services\"[?Name==\`$servicename\`].Id" --output text) echo "ServiceId: $serviceId" aws servicediscovery register-instance --service-id $serviceId \ --instance-id $instanceId --attributes "AWS_INSTANCE_IPV4=$instancePrivateIp" # ping the service echo -e "Service available under '$servicename.$dnsnamespace'"
Remove service
#/bin/bash -e # Removes the services and the namespace, if no instances are available in the service anymore #stop on error #set -e ######## ARGUMENTS # retrieve the building ID: zurich-klinik buildingName=${1?Pass in the building id.} ########## SCRIPT START dnsnamespace="navvis.local" servicename="${buildingName}.renderer" # get the instance id by service serviceId=$(aws servicediscovery list-services --query "\"Services\"[?Name==\`$servicename\`].Id" --output text) 2> /dev/null echo "ServiceId: $serviceId" # get the instace id by service instanceId=$(aws servicediscovery list-instances --service-id $serviceId --query "\"Instances\"[0].Id" --output text) 2> /dev/null echo "InstanceId: $instanceId" # retrieve the namespace id namespaceId=$(aws servicediscovery list-namespaces --query "\"Namespaces\"[?Name==\`$dnsnamespace\`].Id" --output text) 2> /dev/null echo "NameSpaceId: $namespaceId" # deregister the instance aws servicediscovery deregister-instance --service-id $serviceId --instance-id $instanceId 2> /dev/null # deregister the service, will only work if no instances are left aws servicediscovery delete-service --id $serviceId 2> /dev/null # deregister the namespace, will only work if no services aws servicediscovery delete-namespace --id $namespaceId 2> /dev/null # ping the service echo -e "Removed service '$servicename.$dnsnamespace'"