Table of Contents

Dynamo DB


The following table lists the data types you can use with PartiQL for DynamoDB.

Boolean TRUE / FALSE Not case sensitive.
Binary N/A Only supported via code.
List [ value1, value2,…] There are no restrictions on the data types that can be stored in a List type, and the elements in a List do not have to be of the same type.
Map { 'name' : value } There are no restrictions on the data types that can be stored in a Map type, and the elements in a Map do not have to be of the same type.
Null NULL Not case sensitive.
Number 1, 1.0, 1e0 Numbers can be positive, negative, or zero. Numbers can have up to 38 digits of precision.
Number Set «number1, number2» The elements in a number set must be of type Number.
String Set «'string1', 'string2'» The elements in a string set must be of type String.
String 'string value' Single quotes must be used to specify String values.
INSERT INTO TypesTable value {'primarykey':'1', 
'MapType' : {'entryname1': 'value', 'entryname2': 4}, 
'ListType': [1,'stringval'], 


Partition Key

(alias “Hash Key”
A column, chosen to be hashed, to distribute data on DB-nodes.

This is part of the reason DynamoDB is so scalable. Because it can hash your data inputs into an arbitrary number of storage nodes
Sort Key

(alias “Range Key”)

is a secondary DB key that you can optionally decide to use alongside your Partition Key.

if you decide to only specify a partition key and not a sort key, all records must have a unique partition key value. In other words, you will only be able to have one record with CustomerId as CID-123.

By using a Sort key, we’re also able to perform what I call “range-like” queries on our Sort Key values.

  • = (equal to)
  • ⇐ (less than equal to)
  • >= (greater than equal to)
  • > (greater than)
  • between
  • begins with
  • sort ascending / descending
Composite primary Key Partition key + Sort Key
Local Secondary Indexes

Local Secondary Index is like an additional sort-key.
Relies on Partition Key.
You can have max. 5 of LSI.

  • partitionKey+sortKey1
  • partitionKey+sortKey2
  • .. partitionKey+sortKey6.


  • Limit you to only 10GB of data per Partition Key.
  • Unlike GSIs, they share throughput with base table.

    If you query for data using LSI, the usage will be calculated against capacity of the underlying table and its base index.
  • They have to be specified at table creation. you can't add or remove them after provisioning the table
Global Secondary Indexes


DynamoDB global secondary index is a type of index containing a partition key and a sort key different from the base table's primary key.

It is known as the “global” secondary index since the queries on the index can access data from multiple partitions of the base table.

Sparse index

Sparse Index is a special type of GSI that allows you to index only a subset of the collection by indexing an attribute that is not present on all the items.

This technique is useful to quickly query for a set of items that have a specific attribute value, e.g. only rows that have an attribute deletedAt defined.

To create a sparse index, make sure that only items that should be in that index - have a value of that index-sort-key present.

Inverted index

Inverted Index is a GSI that is basically a primary key but inversed - table's hash key becomes inverted index's sort key and table's sort key becomes inverted index's hash key.


Question: When to use this one, when to use a relational DB?

Answer: The Dynamo DB has a limited indexing-ability


primary keyValue
sort keyValue
Global secondary indexValue
Local secondary indexValue

Query vs Scan
