A tiny Java DB (2MB) deliered togehter with JDK.
set environment var DERBY_HOME
and add DERBY_HOME\bin to Path environment variable
Start queriing tool ij
Create DB by connecting to it with create=true
ij> connect 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/Chapter01DB;create=true';
Create customer Table
ij> create table customer (custId int primary key, firstname varchar(20), lastname varchar(20));
Print customer Table
ij> describe customer;
Insert stuff into customer Table
ij> insert into customer values (1, 'Fred', 'Chene'); ij> insert into customer values (2, 'Sylvain', 'Verin'); ij> insert into customer values (3, 'Robin', 'Riou');
Count stuff in customer Table
ij> select count(*) from customer;