===== Perl ===== === IDE === | Notepad++ | NppExec can execute perl in Editor cmd /c perl "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)" | | EPIC is a Perl Plugin for Eclipse | [[http://www.epic-ide.org/index.php|EPIC]] **ACHTUNG:** \\ autocomplete is supported just on dereferencing from packages! | ===Howtos=== | 1. What does the header in perl files mean?| [[http://perldoc.perl.org/perlrun.html|perldoc.perl.org]] | | 2. A syntax summary | [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perl_language_structure|Wikipedia]]| | 3. A huge tutorial collection here | [[http://perl-tutorial.org/|perl-tutorial.org]]| | 4. Howto compare values in perl | [[http://perlmeme.org/howtos/syntax/comparing_values.html|perlmeme.org]]| | 5. References in Perl | [[http://www.perl.com/pub/1999/09/refererents.html|www.perl.com]] | | 6. All Perl Operators | [[http://de.wikibooks.org/wiki/Perl-Programmierung:_Operatoren|de.wikibooks.org]] | | 7. Objects in Perl | [[http://www.perl.com/pub/1999/09/refererents.html|www.perl.com]] | | 8. Packages and Modules in Perl | [[http://www.tutorialspoint.com/perl/perl_modules.htm|www.tutorialspoint.com]], [[Perl#creating_modules|creating_modules]] | | 9. External Modules | [[http://search.cpan.org/|CPAN]] | |10. Passing Arguments to subs | {{http://perldoc.perl.org/perlfaq7.html#How-can-I-pass%2freturn-a-%7bFunction%2c-FileHandle%2c-Array%2c-Hash%2c-Method%2c-Regex%7d%3f|perldoc.perl.org}} | |11. Perl regular expressions| {{http://perldoc.perl.org/perlrequick.html|perldoc.perl.org}} {{http://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html|perldoc.perl.org Detailed}}| === Documentation === | All Perl Functions | [[http://www.tutorialspoint.com/perl/perl_function_references.htm|tutorialspoint.com]] | === Install Modules === The modules are located on [[http://search.cpan.org/|http://search.cpan.org/]] The modules can be installed per //ppm// command. ppm install File-Slurp ppm install Mojolicious ppm install DBD-mysql ===Stolperfallen=== #ACHTUNG: Notations # my - variable definition # % - hash # @ - array # $ - scalar, hash value # () - create functions, array, hashes # {} - access hashes # [] - access arrays # => - create hashes # ->{} - dereference hash-reference and access value in hash # ->[] - dereference array-reference and access value in array # ->() - dereference sub-reference and execute it # $$ref - OR dereference object-reference and execute its method $$ref::method() equals to $ref->method() #ACHTUNG: comparison # == - for numeric values AND String which start with a number # eg - for Strings # ACHTUNG - available magic vars # @_ - an array with sub-arguments, available in every sub. # $_[] - accesses a particular argument, like $_[0], $_[1] ... # ACHTUNG - to access a concrete hashvalue use $$. To access the whole hashblock (e.g. in foreach) use %. %hash = ('joe', "red", 'sam', "blue"); $hash{sam}="blue"; #ACHTUNG do declare a subroutine you don't need parenthesis like myfunc() sub myfunc{ ... } #ACHTUNG: use $ or -> to dereference a Hash in order to ACCESS single hashvalues. print "$hashkey belongs to ".$$mhash_ref{$hashkey}; print "$hashkey belongs to ".$mhash_ref->$hashkey; #ACHTUNG when accessing a Variable inside of a Namespace - prepend the $ to whole expression, not to the variable name print $Foo::var; #ACHTUNG - calling object's method as Object::method and Object->method is not the same. When using -> the source instance is passed as argument 0 MyObject::sayArgs(1,2,3); # here the @_[0] is 1 MyObject->sayArgs(1,2,3); # here the @_[0] is a REFERENCE to the source Instance ==== Syntax ==== Here the perl Syntax is listed as a Demo script. === Introduction === #!usr/bin/perl -w #HTML #comment: perl need a semicolon at the end of the line. Dont forget it! #ACHTUNG: Notations # my - variable definition # % - hash # @ - array # $ - scalar, hash value # & - sub (function) # () - create functions, array, hashes # {} - access hashes # [] - access arrays # => - create hashes # ->{} - dereference hash-reference and access value in hash # ->[] - dereference array-reference and access value in array # ->(Argument) - dereference sub-reference and execute it # $$ref - OR dereference object-reference and execute its method $$ref::method() equals to $ref->method() #ACHTUNG: comparison # == - for numeric values AND String which start with a number # eg - for Strings # reference types are get by "ref" # If $slr_ref contains... then ref($slr_ref) returns... # a scalar value undef # a reference to a scalar "SCALAR" # a reference to an array "ARRAY" # a reference to a hash "HASH" # a reference to a subroutine "CODE" # a reference to a filehandle "IO" or "IO::Handle" # a reference to a typeglob "GLOB" # a reference to a precompiled pattern "Regexp" # a reference to another reference "REF" # ACHTUNG - available magic vars # @_ - an array with sub-arguments, available in every sub. # $_[] - accesses a particular argument, like $_[0], $_[1] ... # ACHTUNG - anonymous data stuctures # {'key' => 'val1', ..} - creates an nonymous REFERENCE to a HASH # ['val1', 'val2', ..] - creates an nonymous REFERENCE to an ARRAY # NOTATIONS # saves the first argument to $firstargs and others to #saves the first argument to $firstargs and others to @restArgs # ($firstarg, @restArgs) = @_; print "Hello, world!\n"; #the newline wont be understood $mystring = 'Hello String'; print " $mystring "; #multiline string $multilined_string = < 'red', sam => 'blue'); $hash{joe}="red"; $hash{sam}="blue"; # ACHTUNG - to access a concrete hashvalue use $. To access the whole hashblock (e.g. in foreach) use %. #Filehandle is written in capital case open(MYFILE,">test.txt") || die("Programmabbruch: Konnte die Datei test.txt nicht offnen"); close(MYFILE); #boolean structure $real_result = 0 ? 0 : 1; print $real_result; #subroutine define and call sub mysubroutine { print "\n\n"; print "Not a very interesting routine\n"; print "This does the same thing every time\n"; } &mysubroutine; #subroutine with arguments sub subWithArgs { # (my %$arg0) = @_; my $aaRef = shift; # %mhash = {'ger_name' => 'Sasa'}; # @mlist = ('one','two','three'); # print keys %mhash . "\n"; foreach (keys %{$aaRef}){ print $_ .' '; } } %mhash = {'ger_name' => 'Sasa'}; subWithArgs(\%mhash); %mhash = (one => 'bang', two => 'bang', three => 'boom'); foreach $hashkey (sort keys %mhash){ # % - dereferencing respects the type of reference object print $hashkey; } #typoglob are pointers $firstval = "firstval"; *pointertofirst = *firstval; print $pointertofirst; #control structures # initialize a hash structure (name, age) #VORSICHT: runde Klammern! @myarray = ("one","two","three"); foreach $arrayitem (@myarray){ print "\n$arrayitem"; } #printing an array print @myarray; # prints: onetwothree print "\nArrayprint: @myarray"; # prints: one two three print "\nArrayprint with join: ".join("___", @myarray); %persons = (John => 25, Anne =>32, Paul =>22, Smith => 29); foreach $name (sort keys %persons) { print "$name is $persons{$name} years old.\n"; }continue{ print "Continue block is called every time, when the condition is evaluated again \n"; } for($i=0; $i<5; $i++){ print $i; last; # this is break. This ends the loop. next; # this will jump to the next iteration, its like continue statement redo; # this will repeat the loop } $alter=18; unless($alter>18){ print "\nZugriff Verweigert!\n"; } # implicit loopings @myarray = (1,2,3,4,5,6); @result = grep{$_>3;} @myarray; print join(" ",@result). "\n"; #map is like walk @myarray = (1,2,3,4,5,6); @selected = map $_** 2, @myarray; print "@selected"; my @myarray = (1,2,3,4,5,6); @selected = map {$_-7; $_**3;} @myarray; print "\n@selected"; #subroutine alias function # @_ is the array with the parameters. # parameters are passed by reference @arg = ('a','b','c'); myfunc('one', (joe => 'neulowimij', bill => 'odnorukij' ) , 'two', 99, @arg ); sub myfunc{ #ACHTUNG do declare a subroutine you don't need parenthesis like myfunc() print "\n"; print "All arguments: @_ \n"; print "first argument is $_[0] \n"; print "second argument is $_[1] \n"; print "second argument is $_[2] \n"; print "second argument is $_[3] \n"; #implicitly return 5. result is the last thing evaluated. #5; # may explicitely return return 5; } print countParams(1,2,3); sub countParams{ scalar @_; #counts the array length } #pass by reference $var = 1; print "Var is $var \n"; #prints 1 settotwo($var); print "Var is $var \n"; #prints 2 sub settotwo{ $_[0]=2; #parameters are passed by reference. change the parameter. } # to pass parameters by value - save the parameter to temporary vars $var = 1; print "Var is $var \n"; setpars($var); print "Var is $var \n"; sub setpars{ ($first, $second, $third)=@_; #now you can use the parameters in the list $first=1; $second=2; $third=3; } #REFERENCES # references are set by \ # dereferenced by $$ or by -> $str = "hello"; ## original string $ref = \$str; ## compute $ref that points to $str print "$$ref\n"; ## prints "hello" -- identical to "$str\n"; #reference types $ref = \$ref; print ref $ref . "\n"; if((ref $ref) eq "SCALAR"){ print "SCALAR \n";} if((ref $ref) eq "ARRAY"){ print "ARRAY \n";} if((ref $ref) eq "xuj"){ print "xj \n";} @marr = ('bang','bang','boom'); $marr_ref = \@marr; #reference is made by unary operator \ print $marr_ref->[2]; foreach $arritem (@$marr_ref){ # @ - dereferencing respects the type of reference object print $arritem; }continue{ print "\n"; } %mhash = (one => 'bang', two => 'bang', three => 'boom'); $mhash_ref = \%mhash; #reference is made by unary operator \ foreach $hashkey (sort keys %$mhash_ref){ # % - dereferencing respects the type of reference object print "$hashkey belongs to ".$$mhash_ref{$hashkey}; #ACHTUNG: use $ or -> to dereference a Hash in order to ACCESS single hashvalues. print "$hashkey belongs to ".$mhash_ref->{$hashkey}; print $mhash_ref->{$hashkey} }continue{ print "\n"; } #anonymous hash-REFERENCE is created by using {} my $hashref = {'myhashkey1' => 'myvalue1','myhashkey2' => 'myvalue2'}; foreach ( keys %$hashref ){ print $_ ; print " : "; print $hashref -> {$_}; print "\n"; } #anonymous array-REFERENCE is created by using [] my $arrayref = ['anonymarrayval0', 'anonymarrayval1', 'anonymarrayval2','anonymarrayval3', 'anonymarrayval4']; foreach ( @$arrayref ){ print $_ ; print "\n"; } #replace single value by reference $hashref->{'myhashkey1'} = 'newvalue'; $arrayref->[0] = 'newArrValue0'; #replace the whole referenced structure %$hashref = ('key' => 'value'); @$arrayref = ('arrayval1', 'arrayval2'); #NAMESPACES #package defines a new Namespace. "package main" gets back to default namespace # In the Namespace there can be Variables or subs # Namespace is accessed by NAMESPACE::subName or NAMESPACE::varName package Foo; sub mySub{ print "mySub says blang \n"; } $var = 47; package main; Foo::mySub(); print $Foo::var; #ACHTUNG when accessing a Variable inside of a Namespace - prepend the $ to WHOLE expression, not to the variable name #or you can paste a function directly into the Namespace. sub Foo::myNewSub{ print "this is a new sub\n"; } Foo::myNewSub(); #OBJECTS # Objects are simulated by Namespaces sub MyObject::sayArgs{ print "\n List of passed to this method: \n"; foreach $arg (@_){ print "$arg has type ". ref(\$arg). "\n"; } } #ACHTUNG - calling object's method as Object::method and Object->method is not the same. When using -> then the source instance is passed as argument 0 MyObject::sayArgs(1,2,3); # here the @_[0] is 1 MyObject->sayArgs(1,2,3); # here the @_[0] is a REFERENCE to the source Instance my $mPoint1 = Point->new(1,2); my $mPoint2 = Point->new(3,4); print $mPoint1->distance($mPoint2) ."\n"; sub Point::new { my ($class, $x, $y) = @_; # class (here Point) is implicetly passed to the # Bless defines a structure, which will perform as an object instance # Here the Object will have the type Point, which will be an array # Implicit return of a REFERENCE to the new object bless [$x, $y], $class; } sub Point::distance { my ($self, $from) = @_; # self is the reference to the instance of the current class, which is passed as 1 argument, when using -> to get arguments. print ref($from); my ($dx, $dy) = ($$self[0] - $$from[0], $$self[1] - $$from[1]); sqrt($dx * $dx + $dy * $dy); } #destructors - are called, before letting the memory free sub Point::DESTROY{ # shift pops the first argument from the @_ array # the first argument - is the imlicit reference to the this object-instance my ($self) = shift; print "\n\n\n\n\n"; print "Destorying the Object of type ".ref($self) . "\n"; } # CREATING AN OBJECT WITH GETTER AND SETTER # create a new Object using "ObjectStory" package # constructor sub ObjectStory::new{ my($class, $title, $story, $answer) = @_; # make the %hash = (title=>$title, story=>$story, answer=>$answer); bless \%hash, $class; #ACHTUNG: bless can only take references to objects, to use them as "self" } # getter and setter all together sub ObjectStory::title{ my ($self, $title) = @_; if(defined $title){ $self->{title} = $title; } return $self->{title}; } # ObjectStory usage. my $myObject = ObjectStory->new("DerTitel", "Die Geschichte", "DIe Antwort"); print "\n Der ObjectStory Titel ist: ". $myObject->title(); $myObject->title("Titel2"); print "\n Der neue ObjectStory Titel ist: ". $myObject->title(); #BLOCKS #Following blocks will be executed on different Stages of the script # print " PRINT: main running \n"; # die " DIE: main dying \n"; # die "DIE XXX /* NOTREACHED */"; # END { print "1st END: done running \n"; } # CHECK { print "1st CHECK: done compiling \n"; } # INIT { print "1st INIT: started running \n"; } # END { print "2nd END: done running \n"; } # BEGIN { print "1st BEGIN: still compiling \n"; } # INIT { print "2nd INIT: started running \n"; } # BEGIN { print "2nd BEGIN: still compiling \n"; } # CHECK { print "2nd CHECK: done compiling \n"; } # END { print "3rd END: done running \n"; } #OWN Module use CGI; use Cwd 'abs_path'; #the module to get the current directory, to import my own modules use File::Basename; #the module to parse the full path to this script use File::Spec::Functions qw(rel2abs); #block is executed on start. This block will make the script search for required modules in the same folder. User require inside of the block to import pm files. BEGIN{ # editing the @INC Variable to put the current script's directory into it my $scriptdir = dirname(rel2abs($0)); push @INC,"$scriptdir"; #add current scripts dir to module sources # use ZvgEntry; # wont work because evaluated at compiletime require MyModule; # require is evaluated at runtime. Here the the name of the *.pl file should be. } my $myModule = new MyModule(); $myModule->Bar(); $myModule->Foo(); #REGEXP my $string = "betestesda"; #operator "m" checks if a String matches the regexp # =~ m/regex/ if ($string =~ m/test/) { print "match!!! \n"; }else{ print "no match!!! \n"; } #Error handling #printing Errors is done by redirecting the output to STDERR file print STDERR "My Error"; #you can let perl do somehting on error print "xoxo" or die("Error on printing xoxo"); #or you can do multiple things print "xoxo" or do{ print STDERR "Error on printing xoxo"; print "Peng!"; }; ==== Starting Blocks ==== There are several Blocks in Perl, where some code can be inserted, which will influence the running sequence. % cat sto-INIT-eg #!/usr/bin/perl -l print " PRINT: main running \n"; die " DIE: main dying \n"; die "DIE XXX /* NOTREACHED */"; END { print "1st END: done running \n"; } CHECK { print "1st CHECK: done compiling \n"; } INIT { print "1st INIT: started running \n"; } END { print "2nd END: done running \n"; } BEGIN { print "1st BEGIN: still compiling \n"; } INIT { print "2nd INIT: started running \n"; } BEGIN { print "2nd BEGIN: still compiling \n"; } CHECK { print "2nd CHECK: done compiling \n"; } END { print "3rd END: done running \n"; } Will be executed as: 1st BEGIN: still compiling 2nd BEGIN: still compiling 2nd CHECK: done compiling 1st CHECK: done compiling 1st INIT: started running 2nd INIT: started running PRINT: main running DIE: main dying 3rd END: done running 2nd END: done running 1st END: done running ==== Creating Modules ==== The Modules are created in ***.pm** files by using the **package** command. To import a module you can use the following commands use ModuleName; # evaluated at compiletime. Expecially you can't add new path sources previously to a "use" require ModuleName; # evaluated at runtime. To import own module from the same directory as the current script - add teh current dir to the var @INC, inside of the **BEGIN** block. \\ ACHTUNG: Only use **require** to import Modules from newly added directory, because only require is evaluated at runtime. use Cwd 'abs_path'; #the module to get the current directory, to import my own modules use File::Basename; #the module to parse the full path to this script BEGIN{ # editing the @INC Variable to put the current script's directory into it my $fullscriptpath = abs_path($0); # getting the full path to this script incl. filename my($filename, $directories) = fileparse($fullscriptpath); #directories now contains push @INC,"$directories"; #add current scripts dir to module sources # use ModuleFromScriptDir; # wont work because use is evaluated at compiletime require ModuleFromScriptDir; # require is evaluated at runtime } ==== Error handling ==== Use function **eval** to catch **die** signals. eval { #code you want to catch errors from die($!); }; #errors are in @_ if ($@) { print "ERROR: $@ \n"; } print "code after die will be executed"; ==== Parse HTML ==== [[http://search.cpan.org/~sri/Mojolicious-3.36/lib/Mojo/DOM.pm|Mojo::DOM search.cpan.org]] \\ [[http://mojolicio.us/perldoc/Mojo/DOM|Mojo::DOM mojolicio.us]] $dom = Mojo::DOM->new('



'); #id print ($dom->at('#a')->text); # get all text print ($dom->all_text); # get text at the first occurence of

print ($dom->at('p')->all_text); #find all tags my @trobjects = $dom->find('tr')->each; for my $trobject (@trobjects){ print ($trobject->all_text); } ==== Regular Expressions ==== The regular Expression is explained the best by example. ==Basics== Regeular Expressions in Perl are written like that: "cat in the castle with a dog" =~ /(ca|do)(?:stle|g)/ // - marks the beginning and the End of the regexp () - marks the part, which should be returned, if the exression is configured to return the match and not only to tell true/false when it matchen/not matches. (?: content_here) - is called "not matching parenthesis". They can group content, but won't return the enclose content, if it matches. Can be used for grouping. =~ is used with a string. Without further parameters the expression returns true, when the given string matches. !~ inverse of above [^o] - match everything except of "o" ==Making the expression return something == The expression can be configured to return something by using the /g **modifier** which are written **AFTER** the expression. |/g|my @matches = ( $str =~ /pa(tt)ern/g ) # /g makes it return all matches to an array| ==Modifiers== **Modifier** are written **AFTER** the expression. i Makes the match case insensitive - "pATTERn" =~ /(paTtErN)/i m Specifies that if the string has newline or carriage return characters, the ^ and $ operators will now match against a newline boundary, instead of a string boundary o Evaluates the expression only once s Allows use of . to match a newline character x Allows you to use white space in the expression for clarity g Globally finds all matches cg Allows the search to continue even after a global match fails ==Operators== **Operators** are written **BEFORE** the expression. More about it [[http://www.tutorialspoint.com/perl/perl_regular_expression.htm|here]] #Substitute Regular Expression - s/// "my dog" =~ s/dog/cat/; # my cat #Match Regular Expression - m// "dog" =~ m/(d.g)/ #true. /m can be omitted ==Character classes== \r \n \s ... What means what is listed here: http://refcards.com/docs/trusketti/perl-regexp/perl-regexp-refcard-a4.pdf