==== AXURE ==== === Libs === ^Lib ^ Link^ |Lib for Desktop Widgets | http://axlib.uxtechniques.com/ | |Many Differend libs |http://www.axure.com/download-widget-libraries| |Android 4 | http://axureland.com/axure_widget_libraries/entry/android_4.0_axure_library | === Summary === A Prototyping Tool. * It is good, to ptototype some app with a distinct, simple logic. \\ * It is not suitable, to prototype apps with **dynamic layout**. Complicated sliding, dragging is a pain to implement.\\ * It is not suitable, to prototype using **mass data**, like arrays. \\ Said I have 10 Objects which I click on. On the next screen the objects which I have ever clicked on - should be disabled. == Nested If == Simulate nested ifs with dynamic Panels. For each case an own Panel: \\nested if if (ticketNotValidated){ if ticket(networkConnectionPresent){ // Popup A }else{ // Popup C } }else{ // Popup D }