===== Sonarqube ===== The sonarqube is the static code analysis tool. === Jenkins === == Scan== === In Jenkins === To scan the code use the Jenkins plugin "SonarQube Scanner" === via console === https://techexpert.tips/sonarqube/sonarqube-scanner-installation-ubuntu-linux/ == Break build== To break the build, when the sonarqube-project "workspaceteam1-project1team1" is red - one could use the following script: #!/bin/bash CURL='/usr/bin/curl' RVMHTTP="http://sonar:9000/sonar/api/qualitygates/project_status?projectKey=workspaceteam1-project1team1" CURLARGS="-u adop:123abc123" # you can store the result in a variable raw="$($CURL $CURLARGS $RVMHTTP)" if [[ $raw = *"\"status\":\"ERROR\""* ]]; then exit 1 else exit 0 fi Here we can retrieve the project key by using the following api: curl -u adop:123abc123"team1" [{"id":"1","k":"workspaceteam1-project1team1","nm":"WorkspaceTeam1/Project1Team1","sc":"PRJ","qu":"TRK"}] The next step is the request of the project state curl -u adop:123abc123 { "projectStatus":{ "status":"ERROR", "conditions":[ { "status":"OK", "metricKey":"new_vulnerabilities", "comparator":"GT", "periodIndex":1, "errorThreshold":"0", "actualValue":"0" }, { "status":"OK", "metricKey":"new_bugs", "comparator":"GT", "periodIndex":1, "errorThreshold":"0", "actualValue":"0" }, { "status":"OK", "metricKey":"new_sqale_debt_ratio", "comparator":"GT", "periodIndex":1, "errorThreshold":"1", "actualValue":"0.0" }, { "status":"ERROR", "metricKey":"bugs", "comparator":"NE", "errorThreshold":"0", "actualValue":"1" } ], "periods":[ { "index":1, "mode":"previous_version", "date":"2018-05-09T14:19:38+0000" }, { "index":2, "mode":"previous_analysis", "date":"2018-05-10T09:38:00+0000", "parameter":"2018-05-10" }, { "index":3, "mode":"days", "date":"2018-05-09T14:19:38+0000", "parameter":"30" } ] } }