===== Dоcker ===== ==== Hyper-V ==== The newest Version uses Hyper-V. **The Hyper-V has a bug - enabling a Virtual Switch Disabled WiFi adapter, which makes it useless on Laptops.** So it is recommended to use the old version, with docker-machine, based on Oracle's VirtualBox. Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V-All Packages / Containers with applications, which can be executed on a tiny Linux-daemon. Pro is the automatical shipment - setup on Windows - create a local docker-host - install existing Container locally (DB, AppServer, HTTP daemon) - access the container. Modify WebServer page, ubuntu via console, deploy to jboss, setup nginx as a reverse proxy - wire Containers together - install same Container to AWS - make a SWARM cluster from them - enroll them automatically all together locally - enroll them automatically all together to AWS - setup an own registry - create a docker dontainer - test online services, ship, run your container from there - setup a local registry == Commands == ^ Command ^ Description ^ | commit | creates a new image from a container | | run | runs a container from an image | | start | starts an EXISTING, STOPPED container | | stop | stops an EXISTING, RUINNING container | | exec | executes a command INSIDE of EXISTING, RUNNING container | | docker search NAME | Search for an image with the specified name. | | docker pull NAME | Pull an image into your local file system with he specified name. | | docker version | Prints the docker version to the standard output. | | docker run -td -p 80:8080 NAME | Run a docker image with daemon mode with port 80 forwarded to port 8080 in the container. | | docker start CONTAINERID | Start a stopped container. | | docker stop CONTAINERID | Stop a container with the specified id. | | docker ps | List all RUNNING container | | docker ps -a | List all container | | docker login -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -e EMAIL registryURL | Login to a registry with -u for username -p for password and -e for email. | | docker rm CONTAINERID | Remove a container. | | docker images -a | list all images | | docker rmi IMAGEID | Remove an image. | | docker logs | Fetch the logs from a docker container. | | docker inspect IMAGE_NAME | echo JSON with describtion | | docker run -d IMAGE_NAME | Detach. Means run in background. Even when you quit the container. Dont block the console with STDOUT. | | docker run -P IMAGE_NAME | expose ports on DOCKER_HOST. Port 5000 of container is redirected to localhost:5000 | | docker exec -it CONTAINERID COMMAND | You can find out the COMMAND available for CONTAINERID by doing //docker ps//. $ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 625ad92a1f53 ubuntu:latest "/bin/bash" 15 seconds ago Up 14 seconds $ docker exec -it 625ad92a1f53 "/bin/bash" | | docker inspect CONTAINER_NAME | Provide ALL data about the container. | | docker-machine ls | list existing hosts | | docker-machine create --driver virtualbox HOSTNAME | create host | | docker-machine rm HOSTNAME | remove host | | docker-machine restart HOSTNAME | restarts the host | | start http://$(docker inspect -f "{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks.nat.IPAddress }}" grave_thompson):81 | starts the container "grave_thompson", by requesting its IP by container name | | docker attach CONTAINERNAME | Shows what is happening inside the container. You can even kill the process by CTRL+C | | docker commit jira skipidar/atlassian-jira:1.0 | store the docker container as a new image | | docker push skipidar/atlassian-jira | save docker image to a repository "skipidar/atlassian-jira" | | docker exec | Executes a command in a container. E.g. to show which processes are running in container: PS D:\webserver> docker exec ubuntu2 ps -f UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD root 51 0 0 15:09 ? 00:00:03 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/ajenti-panel -d root 130 0 0 16:29 ? 00:00:00 nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx root 169 0 0 17:09 ? 00:00:00 ps -f | | docker run --restart=always jenkinsci/jenkins | Makes the container automatically restart after host restart. | | docker top | Lists the containers running processes | | docker stats | The resources consumed by docker | | docker container logs -f | logs from inside the conatainer | == Glossary == |Docker-Machine| Daemon, which runs on a Linux Server | |VirtualBox| Virtual Machine for Windows, Linux, ... Docker installs a small Linux in it. In this Linux Docker-Daemon runs Containers. | |Docker-Daemon| Daemon, which runs on a Linux Server and executes containers (as separated processes) | |Docker-Host-Host| * Docker-aemon can only run in Linux * If you install Docker-Daemon on Windows/MaxOsX - a VirtualBoxVirtualMachine running a Linux in necessary, to install Docker-daemon inside it. * The Windows/MaxOsX Operating System, is then the Docker-Host-Host {{http://i520.photobucket.com/albums/w327/schajtan/2016-04-13_12-04-29_zpsuokvzupy.png}} {{http://i520.photobucket.com/albums/w327/schajtan/2016-04-13_12-04-35_zpsm2wy99zz.png}} | |Container-Host, Docker-Host, Docker-Daemon-Host| Linux, which runs the Docker-Daemon. If you installed Docker on your Laptop - the Linux running Docker-Daemon is the Container-Host. On Windows this is the Linux inside the VirtualBox Machine. | |Compose| Allows definition and instantiation of multi-container-applications. If Application requires multiple containers, e.g. for DB, AppServer, HttpHost containers have to know each other. Ips, ports etc. | |Kinematic| GUI for Container management. Can start new containers. Can stop, restart existing.| |Notary| Service for signing and verification of docker images. - upload your private key to Notary Server - sign your **docker image** with your **private key** - user of your docker-image will get your public-key/name from docker-image. \\ And be able to **contact notary-server to verify**, if some docker-image is signed by your (with your private-key) | |Swarm| Tool which allows to control multiple containers as one. To command a Swarm of Docker-Hosts - the same Interface is used, as for a single Docker-Host. Swarm distributes the Images then on multiple instances by different strategies. The commander doesn't know, that he commands multiple instances.| |Dockerfile || |Docker Hub|| |DUCP Docker Universal Control Plane|| |DDC Docker Data Center)|| |DTR Docker Trusted Registry|| {{http://i520.photobucket.com/albums/w327/schajtan/2016-04-13_11-56-08_zpssgsnbzsl.png}} ==== Setup on Windows ==== === Using Windows native Hyper-V === Achtung: currently there is a bug, which disabled Wireless Adapter, as soon as the Virtual Ethernet Switch is enabled in Hyper-V. This means no WiFi may internet may be shared with a Hyper-V VM, which makes Hyper-V useless on Laptops. **This is why it is recommended using VirtualBox to install docker on Windows.** Hyper-V must be enabled in BIOS as following. Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V –All Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V-All === Using DOcker-Machine on Oracle VirtualBox === | Use **POWERSHELL** / CMD on Windows, to control docker. \\ On **Docker Quickstart Terminal** the container paths e.g. commands. \\ will be then resolved to windows like **/bash/sh.sh** to **D:/Programs/GitHub/bash/sh.sh** which will not work. | Setting up docker is easy: use **Docker Toolbox** https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/windows/ **Configure Git Linux Shell** Docker tools must be executed in a linux shell! \\ On Windows this shell is provided by Git. \\ Add **git.exe location**, **ssh.exe location** to your path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin **Start Linux Shell for docker:** sh -li All the further docker commands will be executed inside the linux shell, provided by git. == create a local docker-host named "my-default" == docker-machine create --driver virtualbox my-default == switch to the new docker-host == In order to start / stop containers on new docker-host you have to modify environment variables, so that new host's ip etc. is saved there Go to e.g. powershell and type $ docker-machine.exe env --shell powershell my-default $Env:DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY = "1" $Env:DOCKER_HOST = "tcp://" $Env:DOCKER_CERT_PATH = "C:\Users\captain\.docker\machine\machines\dev" $Env:DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME = "dev" # Run this command to configure your shell: # & docker-machine.exe env --shell powershell my-default | Invoke-Expression At the bottom there is an instruction. follow it - type & docker-machine.exe env --shell powershell my-default | Invoke-Expression Now you are able to control docker-host "my-default" == Script the switching to docker-host == It makes sence to write a script, to switch to other docker-hosts faster. \\ Here is a powershell script, which does the job $arg1=$args[0] if($arg1 -ne $null){ docker-machine.exe env --shell powershell $name & docker-machine.exe env --shell powershell $name | Invoke-Expression }else{ echo "usage: dockerhost " } Store it e.g. under "C:\SCRIPTS\powershell\dockerhost.ps1" and call from powershell as \\ & "D:\1SCRIPTS\powershell\dockerhost.ps1" "my-default" It is probably a good idea to add "D:\1SCRIPTS\powershell\" to the Path Environment-variable ==== Exception when creating the docker host on Windows "VERR_INTNET_FLT_IF_NOT_FOUND" ==== Error creating machine: Error in driver during machine creation: Unable to start the VM: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe startvm default –type headless failed: VBoxManage.exe: error: Failed to open/create the internal network ‘HostInterfaceNetworking-VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #5’ (VERR_INTNET_FLT_IF_NOT_FOUND). VBoxManage.exe: error: Failed to attach the network LUN (VERR_INTNET_FLT_IF_NOT_FOUND) VBoxManage.exe: error: Details: code E_FAIL (0x80004005), component ConsoleWrap, interface IConsole Details: 00:00:03.020271 Power up failed (vrc=VERR_INTNET_FLT_IF_NOT_FOUND, rc=E_FAIL (0X80004005)) Fix I opened my Control Panel > Network & Internet > Network Connections and located my VirtualBox Host-Only Network adapter, called VirtualBox Host-Only Network #6 on my machine. I right-clicked it and selected the Properties, and checked the un-checked VirtualBox NDIS6 Bridged Networking Driver and started VirtualBox again. ==== install existing Container locally (DB, AppServer, HTTP daemon) ==== Install existing container "hello-world" docker run hello-world Install JBoss via Kitematic \\ {{http://i520.photobucket.com/albums/w327/schajtan/2016-04-13_15-53-13_zpsscvgqrfv.png?400}} Install Apache container. There are many of them, I with that of user "bitnami" docker pull bitnami/apache docker run bitnami/apache {{http://i520.photobucket.com/albums/w327/schajtan/2016-04-13_16-08-38_zpsawlhgtpu.png?400}} Checking from console whether containers are running is done via: Docker hosts? docker-machine ls Docker images? docker ps One Dockerhost "default" is running in virtualbox. \\ Two containers "apache" and "jboss" are running \\ {{http://i520.photobucket.com/albums/w327/schajtan/2016-04-13_16-14-31_zpsx99pjkma.png}} ==== Configure the container ==== == Default configurations via KITEMATIC == To start the container you can use KITEMATIC. \\ The default values will be used to start the container. The settings are listed as in form of environment variables: {{http://i520.photobucket.com/albums/w327/schajtan/2016-08-20_13-06-15_zpsxixxofao.png?600}} == To retrieve configurations use "docker inspect" == PS D:\> docker inspect f94c1c97220c [ { "Id": "f94c1c97220cca4ab391ccdf506b0443adebedaa6c091c364e3bd9a50c351b41", "Created": "2016-08-20T10:51:07.112560387Z", "Path": "/usr/local/bin/entrypoint.sh", "Args": [ "slapd", "-d", "32768", "-u", "openldap", "-g", "openldap" ], "State": { "Status": "running", "Running": true, "Paused": false, "Restarting": false, "OOMKilled": false, "Dead": false, "Pid": 12232, "ExitCode": 0, "Error": "", "StartedAt": "2016-08-20T10:51:07.280067676Z", "FinishedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, "Image": "sha256:3ca16d1b31130d8e4c61e632ece7549aedf1c97065fa5f9e6051420910456c64", "ResolvConfPath": "/mnt/sda1/var/lib/docker/containers/f94c1c97220cca4ab391ccdf506b0443adebedaa6c091c364e3bd9a50c351b41/resolv.conf", "HostnamePath": "/mnt/sda1/var/lib/docker/containers/f94c1c97220cca4ab391ccdf506b0443adebedaa6c091c364e3bd9a50c351b41/hostname", "HostsPath": "/mnt/sda1/var/lib/docker/containers/f94c1c97220cca4ab391ccdf506b0443adebedaa6c091c364e3bd9a50c351b41/hosts", "LogPath": "/mnt/sda1/var/lib/docker/containers/f94c1c97220cca4ab391ccdf506b0443adebedaa6c091c364e3bd9a50c351b41/f94c1c97220cca4ab391ccdf506b0443adebedaa6c091c364e3bd9a50c351b41-json.log", "Name": "/adop-ldap", "RestartCount": 0, "Driver": "aufs", "MountLabel": "", "ProcessLabel": "", "AppArmorProfile": "", "ExecIDs": null, "HostConfig": { "Binds": null, "ContainerIDFile": "", "LogConfig": { "Type": "json-file", "Config": {} }, "NetworkMode": "default", "PortBindings": { "389/tcp": [ { "HostIp": "", "HostPort": "389" } ] }, "RestartPolicy": { "Name": "no", "MaximumRetryCount": 0 }, "AutoRemove": false, "VolumeDriver": "", "VolumesFrom": null, "CapAdd": null, "CapDrop": null, "Dns": [], "DnsOptions": [], "DnsSearch": [], "ExtraHosts": null, "GroupAdd": null, "IpcMode": "", "Cgroup": "", "Links": null, "OomScoreAdj": 0, "PidMode": "", "Privileged": false, "PublishAllPorts": false, "ReadonlyRootfs": false, "SecurityOpt": null, "StorageOpt": null, "UTSMode": "", "UsernsMode": "", "ShmSize": 67108864, "ConsoleSize": [ 38, 199 ], "Isolation": "", "CpuShares": 0, "Memory": 0, "CgroupParent": "", "BlkioWeight": 0, "BlkioWeightDevice": null, "BlkioDeviceReadBps": null, "BlkioDeviceWriteBps": null, "BlkioDeviceReadIOps": null, "BlkioDeviceWriteIOps": null, "CpuPeriod": 0, "CpuQuota": 0, "CpusetCpus": "", "CpusetMems": "", "Devices": [], "DiskQuota": 0, "KernelMemory": 0, "MemoryReservation": 0, "MemorySwap": 0, "MemorySwappiness": -1, "OomKillDisable": false, "PidsLimit": 0, "Ulimits": null, "CpuCount": 0, "CpuPercent": 0, "BlkioIOps": 0, "BlkioBps": 0, "SandboxSize": 0 }, "GraphDriver": { "Name": "aufs", "Data": null }, "Mounts": [ { "Name": "a3aaab5b7f203b4e12273ce7e8abe36d84dac26edfaccb73dc84cba4ed7b6e75", "Source": "/mnt/sda1/var/lib/docker/volumes/a3aaab5b7f203b4e12273ce7e8abe36d84dac26edfaccb73dc84cba4ed7b6e75/_data", "Destination": "/etc/ldap", "Driver": "local", "Mode": "", "RW": true, "Propagation": "" }, { "Name": "775a84ace393847a534da35847d76755f6dd5a00fd28fb32bb9b571e4ca14106", "Source": "/mnt/sda1/var/lib/docker/volumes/775a84ace393847a534da35847d76755f6dd5a00fd28fb32bb9b571e4ca14106/_data", "Destination": "/var/lib/ldap", "Driver": "local", "Mode": "", "RW": true, "Propagation": "" } ], "Config": { "Hostname": "f94c1c97220c", "Domainname": "", "User": "", "AttachStdin": false, "AttachStdout": false, "AttachStderr": false, "ExposedPorts": { "389/tcp": {} }, "Tty": false, "OpenStdin": false, "StdinOnce": false, "Env": [ "INITIAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD=Jpk66g63ZifGYIcShSGM", "GERRIT_PASSWORD=Jpk66g63ZifGYIcShSGM", "JENKINS_PASSWORD=Jpk66g63ZifGYIcShSGM", "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin", "OPENLDAP_VERSION=2.4.40", "INITIAL_ADMIN_USER=admin.user", "SLAPD_PASSWORD=Jpk66g63ZifGYIcShSGM", "SLAPD_DOMAIN=ldap.example.com", "SLAPD_FULL_DOMAIN=dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=com" ], "Cmd": [ "slapd", "-d", "32768", "-u", "openldap", "-g", "openldap" ], "Image": "accenture/adop-ldap:latest", "Volumes": { "/etc/ldap": {}, "/var/lib/ldap": {} }, "WorkingDir": "", "Entrypoint": [ "/usr/local/bin/entrypoint.sh" ], "OnBuild": null, "Labels": {}, "StopSignal": "15" }, "NetworkSettings": { "Bridge": "", "SandboxID": "f27797636650a75dd59f4be114461210f16080c93ea033ed493e5d7b66822a7b", "HairpinMode": false, "LinkLocalIPv6Address": "", "LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen": 0, "Ports": { "389/tcp": [ { "HostIp": "", "HostPort": "389" } ] }, "SandboxKey": "/var/run/docker/netns/f27797636650", "SecondaryIPAddresses": null, "SecondaryIPv6Addresses": null, "EndpointID": "c06b1b0cbc96383532dc11ace95a87eb23d284080673c939d1754b0f2a1910ee", "Gateway": "", "GlobalIPv6Address": "", "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0, "IPAddress": "", "IPPrefixLen": 16, "IPv6Gateway": "", "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:03", "Networks": { "bridge": { "IPAMConfig": null, "Links": null, "Aliases": null, "NetworkID": "c74769ec568289ae2be035acb672cc8272626d961e208861417420dffdbc2bc0", "EndpointID": "c06b1b0cbc96383532dc11ace95a87eb23d284080673c939d1754b0f2a1910ee", "Gateway": "", "IPAddress": "", "IPPrefixLen": 16, "IPv6Gateway": "", "GlobalIPv6Address": "", "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0, "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:03" } } } } ] The important parameters are "cmd" and "entrypoint". \\ Consider them, when running the container. # ldap docker run --name adop-ldap -d -p 389:389 --env INITIAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD="$passwordLdap" --env GERRIT_PASSWORD="$passwordLdap" --env JENKINS_PASSWORD="$passwordLdap" --entrypoint '/usr/local/bin/entrypoint.sh' accenture/adop-ldap:latest slapd -d 32768 -u openldap -g openldap ==== Container start ==== Starting a self restarting (--restart=always), intractive (-ti), detached (-d) container. docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 443:443 -t -d -i --restart=always --name jenkins jenkinsci/jenkins:2.65 ==== Entering the container interactively ==== To start an interactive shell use the exec command. You can execute **bash** or **shell (sh)** depends on what is installed inside of the container.\\ The **-i** tells to start the last command interactively.\\ The **-t** tells to allocate a pseudo terminal (tty). The pesudo-tty is used by docker to capture the output and show it to the docker-user. **-u 0** tells to start the command as user 0, which is root. Gives you the freedom to do everything inside it. docker exec -u 0 -it bash docker exec -u 0 -it sh ==== Create a container with a service running in background ==== This ais a short example about creating a long running container on an example of nginx: A container with installed nginx "schajtan/ubuntu-webserver:1.2" is required. Create file **startScript.sh** #!/bin/bash # starts the nginx process /etc/init.d/nginx start # keep the container alive by printing the nginx logs to STDOUT. Will be retrievable via "docker logs" command tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log Create file **ubuntu-webserver-dockerfile.txt** FROM schajtan/ubuntu-webserver:1.2 ADD startScript.sh /startScript.sh ENTRYPOINT ["/startScript.sh"] * Now execute the commands to **build** an image, * **run** a long running container from the new image, * show the **STDOUT** of the container # builds the image from a dockerfile docker build --tag schajtan/ubuntu-webserver:2.1 -f .\ubuntu-webserver-dockerfile.txt . # run a container, -P to redirect all exposed ports to random ports docker run -P --name ubuntu3 schajtan/ubuntu-webserver:2.1 - exits the container docker logs ubuntu3 ==== Backup ==== # stores the IMAGE. Attention: export import does not include the metadata of the image docker save -o d:\Temp\containers\webserver-saved 0f20adbe8e90 docker load -i d:\Temp\containers\webserver-saved ==== Monitoring ==== To show the current ressource usage by container name use "stats" docker stats $(docker ps --format '{{.Names}}') -a --no-stream > mystats.csv ==== Logs within container ==== You can send the logs, happened within the container - to docker-service. For that you need to log to STDOUT within the container. E.g. if you have a cron job - the output must be redirected as following: 07 2 * * * /data/docker/backup_webserver/backupscript.sh > /dev/stdout And from docker host you will be able to get the logs via sudo docker logs ==== Host to Container connectivity ==== There is a network-bridge between the host and containers. You can reach the containers from the host. Docker offers different networking modes when running containers. Depending on the mode you choose you would connect to your MySQL database running on the docker host differently. Docker creates a bridge named **docker0** by default. Both the docker host and the docker containers have an IP address on that bridge. == Host == on the Docker host, type **sudo ip addr** show docker0 you will have an output looking like: [vagrant@docker:~] $ sudo ip addr show docker0 4: docker0: mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default link/ether 56:84:7a:fe:97:99 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet scope global docker0 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 fe80::5484:7aff:fefe:9799/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever Here my host has the IP address ****. == Container == INside the container do: **ip addr show eth0**. \\ Here it is root@e77f6a1b3740:/# ip addr show eth0 863: eth0: mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000 link/ether 66:32:13:f0:f1:e3 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet scope global eth0 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 fe80::6432:13ff:fef0:f1e3/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever Here my container has the IP address ****. Now look at the routing table: root@e77f6a1b3740:/# route Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface default UG 0 0 0 eth0 * U 0 0 0 eth0 So the IP Address of the docker host **** is set as the default route and is accessible from your container. ==== Docker Context ==== The files/folders, which are in the same folder, like the Dockerfile - are packaged to a tar.gz and sent to the target machine with the docker daemon. See https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/build/#set-build-time-variables---build-arg You can explicitly create a tar.gz package and reference it during the build command. \\ The tar ball has a flat hierarchy here, but may have any structure. Only, when referencing the files inside - one should consider this structure. The DockerFile is referenced explicitely inside the tar.gz ball (**-f ./Dockerfile.run.txt**) # create the context tar.gz tar -C /vagrant -cvf /tmp/runappcontext.tar.gz de.webapp.spring.one-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar Dockerfile.run.txt # build the container with an existing gzipped context docker build --no-cache -t runapp -f ./Dockerfile.run.txt - < /tmp/runappcontext.tar.gz # run the container docker run --name runAppContainer -d -p 8080:8080 runapp ==== Start bash in container as root ==== If you would like to connect to the container MYCONTAINERNAME as root, docker exec -it --user root MYCONTAINERNAME bash ====== ADOP ====== The Accenture ADOP stack is listed here: https://github.com/Accenture The script to start the some relevant apps: # run the code only in powershell / cmd - in GIT-Bash the paths, relative to container are resolved relative to the windows drive # to reproduce the default start via KITEMATIC us "docker inspect " $ip = "" $passwordLdap = "Jpk66g63ZifGYIcShSGM" # ldap docker run --name adop-ldap -d -p 389:389 --env INITIAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD="$passwordLdap" --env GERRIT_PASSWORD="$passwordLdap" --env JENKINS_PASSWORD="$passwordLdap" --entrypoint '/usr/local/bin/entrypoint.sh' accenture/adop-ldap:latest slapd -d 32768 -u openldap -g openldap # ldap phpadmin. Login "cn=admin,dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=com". Pass "Jpk66g63ZifGYIcShSGM". docker run --name=adop-ldap-phpadmin -d -p 32774:80 --env LDAP_SERVER_HOST="$ip" accenture/adop-ldap-phpadmin:latest '/run.sh' ====== Tools ====== TODO: add http://www.midvision.com/blog/10-open-source-docker-tools-you-should-be-using ^^^ |Docker|| |Rancher|| ====== Debug ====== === Attach === To find out, why the container is not starting - attach to it, to see what is happening in standard-out life: docker attach the-container-name It will display the error like: Error: parsing template /etc/sensu/templates/client.json.tmpl (template: client.json.tmpl:19: unexpected ".234" in operand) === View stdout history === STDOUT of process 1 is captured and stored on the host. To see the Stdout history do: docker logs yourcontainername More: https://medium.com/@betz.mark/ten-tips-for-debugging-docker-containers-cde4da841a1d