===== Imresspages CMS =====
A nice looking drag and drop CMS: https://www.impresspages.org/
===== Fallpits =====
^Issue^ Answer^
|Howto choose the first zone?| The top zone, listed in the **Backend> Developer > Zones** is considered used for the frontpage |
^Error^ Solution^
| Class 'Modules\zvg\zvgtable_zone\Zone' not found in Z:\home\zvgcms.nu\www\ip_cms\frontend\site.php(387) : eval()'d code on line 1| The Namespace may be wrong: namespace Modules\zvg\zvgtable_zone |
===== Concepts =====
==== Zone ====
Zones are [[http://www.impresspages.org/docs2/core2/url-structure2/|reflected in the URL]] \\
\\ Many zones may occur on one page: e.g. Searchzone, Menuezone \\
A zone is filled by a module (plugin) \\
| {{http://i520.photobucket.com/albums/w327/schajtan/2013-02-24_23-46-08_zps8f18e122.png?400}} |
Zones are listed in menu and can be filled by pages: \\
| {{http://i520.photobucket.com/albums/w327/schajtan/2013-02-24_23-53-08_zpsc06a11a2.png?400}} |{{ http://cdn.impresspages.org/image/impresspages_cms_zones_and_pages_2_1.png }} |
==== Plugins = Modules ====
Plugins alias Modules contribute functionality. [[http://www.impresspages.org/docs2/working-with-plugins2/custom-zone-example2/|To zones]], to backend..
==== Global Variables ====
The full list can be found in file "ROOT\www\ip_config.php"
|BASE_URL | http://zvgcms.nu/|
|BASE_URL.THEME_DIR | http://zvgcms.nu/ip_themes/|
|BASE_URL.THEME_DIR.THEME | http://zvgcms.nu/ip_themes/zvg |
===== Plugin =====
^Step ^Howto ^ Link^
|0. Create a Template | Create a template with for the new zone, add a custom block where the plugin content will be presented, by doing generateBlock('side'); ?>
. Look in //\ip_themes\// for example templates.|http://www.impresspages.org/docs/getting-started/understanding-themes/|
|1. Write Plugin with an own **zone** | |http://www.impresspages.org/docs/working-with-plugins/custom-zone-example/|
|2. Install the new Module.| Click on "Install" in Backend> Developer> Modules. ||
|3. Create a Zone in BE.| Create a Zone in the Backend> Developer> Zones. Associate the zone with your template and plugin(**alias module**)|http://www.impresspages.org/docs/working-with-plugins/custom-zone-example/|
|4. Populate the block from point 0. with content |Create a **System** File in your plugin folder to populate your Block you generated in 0. with content. You can add some JavaScript / CSS to the page too by doing
===== Commands =====
//generate a named block
generateBlock('main'); ?>
generateBlock('custom_block'); ?>
//generate a link to a custom_zone
generateUrl(null, 'custom_zone').'">AddressBook records'; ?>
===== Ajax =====
== Add Javascript ==
Add the **m g a** vars (http://www.impresspages.org/docs2/core2/mvc-model-view-controller2/)
To point to the right controler.
//in system import the *.js
// 2 is the internal import priority. Default is 1. Makes script be imported after all other, like jquery.
$site->addJavascript(BASE_URL.PLUGIN_DIR.'zvg/zvgtable_zone/js/jstest.js', 2);
$(document).ready(function() {
console.log("request per ajax now!");
//post request to our plugin to get new sentence
function showRandomSentence() {
var data = Object();
data.g = 'zvg'; //our module group
data.m = 'zvgtable_zone'; //our module name
data.a = 'getNewSentence'; //action (method) that need to be executed on the server
$.ajax( {
type : 'POST',
url : ip.baseUrl, //ip.baseUrl is a root of your website available globaly in JavaScript
data : data,
success : sentenceResponse,
dataType : 'json'
function sentenceResponse(response) {
console.log("Receive data:");
== Add php in sentenceResponse.php ==
class Controller extends \Ip\Controller{
public static function getNewSentence() {
global $site;
$data = array(
'status' => 'success',
'sentenceHtml' => "hellow from controler"
$answer = json_encode($data);