====== IoT ======
===== IoT Device Catalogue =====
Device catalogue with IoT conformant devices.
===== IoT Core =====
=== Thing ===
Subscribing to topic
==== Example ====
==== Rules ====
=== Redirect to SiteWise ===
In order not to define a rule for each single Thing - use wildcards.
* Example setup https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot-sitewise/latest/userguide/ingest-data-from-iot-things.html
* Topic wildCards https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/topics.html#topicfilters
* Functions https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/iot-sql-functions.html
== Have multiple things ==
The MQTT **topics** for things in Iot Core
are as structured as following:
== Define a rule selection==
Which match all things,
independent of thing-name
SELECT * FROM '$aws/things/+/shadow/update/accepted'
== Configure the SiteWise Assets ==
Add the name of the topic - to the property "aliases" .
So that you can use the topics - in the asset aliases.
== Define a rule action ==
Using **${topic(3)}** which match the topic of the thing.
The rules would redirect data to assets - depending on topic.