===== Kinesis ===== === Kinesis Streams === Kinesis Firehose is a Amazon’s **data-conduit product** Kinesis **Streams** is capable of capturing **large amounts of data (terabytes per hour)** from data producers, and **streaming it into custom applications for data processing** and analysis. Streaming data is **replicated by Kinesis across three separate availability zones** within AWS to ensure reliability and availability of your data. By default, data is available in a stream for 24 hours, but can be made available for up to 168 hours (7 days) for an additional charge. {{https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/alf-digital-wiki-pics/sharex/j6iMhGyOhJ.png?525x250}} === Kinesis Firehouse === Kinesis Firehose is Amazon’s **data-ingestion product**. An **ExtractTransformLoad (ETL)** tool, to move much data around. It is used to **capture and load streaming data into other Amazon services** such as S3 and Redshift. From there, you can load the streams into data processing and analysis tools like Elastic Map Reduce, and Amazon Elasticsearch Service. {{https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/alf-digital-wiki-pics/sharex/8l0pPTyhzH.png?425x250}}